We Made a GIF!!!!
Brave Jimmy volunteered to be the test subject for the making of the Gif. I promised him it wouldn't hurt :-) Here is our effort as shown to us in
Katie's tutorial...
The first time we made a mistake by selecting" normal" speed...Jimmy was moving so fast it made us dizzy to watch. So we tried again and picked "slow" which is what I think Katie said to do in the first place. This time it worked out much better!!!
hey what;s that over there? |
I hope you will pop back tomorrow for an extra special post....someone is celebrating his FIRST birthday ;-)
Jimmy's New Trick
Look who has learned how to get up on the banister. This does NOT exactly thrill me but Jimmy is very pleased with himself and trills, sings and coos to let me know he has made the leap. Wow, I made it :-) Thankfully Casper has no interest...
Happy New Year!
Hello Friends, well here we are on the last day of 2010, I can't believe how quickly it has gone by. There have been some significant cat changes in my life since this time last year. For one, I started this little blog...
Mancat (and A Boycat) Monday
The other day all four cats were on the bed snoozing and it was the first time Jimmy had joined the boys. Jimmy doesn't usually stay still for long so I was very excited and wanted to get a picture. Only the bedside table lamp was on and...
Thanksgiving & Santa Paws
We celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving back in October, but seeing as Jimmy is American by birth, we thought another thanksgiving post was in order. So on this special holiday I would like to say that I am thankful for all my good friends in the Cat...
My Fantastic New Header
I am a blogging neophyte to put it mildly! After five months, my blog is still terribly boring and I have no idea how to add links and feeds, or videos, or html flashy things, or maps of visitors, or what labels and tags are for. I’m not certain about...