Thanksgiving & Santa Paws

Thanksgiving & Santa Paws

We celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving back in October, but seeing as Jimmy is American by birth, we thought another thanksgiving post was in order.  So on this special holiday I would like to say that I am thankful for all my good friends in the Cat Blogosphere, without whom I never would have met Chrystal or adopted little Jimmy. I am so deeply thankful for ALL my wonderful kitties who bring joy into my life every single day!

Yesterday it was posted on the CB that Jimmy had won the draw for Derry's Thankful Photo Contest Fundraiser and the prize was a fabulous selection of goodies paw-picked by the lovely Miss Gracie!  Well, being a youngster and never having won anything before, I must say Jimmy was thrilled when I told him. 
See Jimmy's winning ribbon!
However after a little thought Jimmy felt that in the spirit of Thanksgiving he would like to donate his toy winnings to some less fortunate kitties. He said that since he now had all the toys he could ever hope to play with, he would feel better if his prize went to some kitties who were still waiting for their forever homes! We contacted Gracie to see if that was okay. She thought it was a great idea and mentioned the CB's friends at Santa Paws.  I immediately sent an email over to them on Jimmy's behalf and I'm just waiting to hear back so I can give Gracie the details. 

I would like to wish all my feline friends and their parents a healthy and happy Thanksgiving!

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