Jimmy's New Trick
Look who has learned how to get up on the banister. This does NOT exactly thrill me but Jimmy is very pleased with himself and trills, sings and coos to let me know he has made the leap.
Wow, I made it :-) |
Thankfully Casper has no interest in the banister and rarely jumps up there.
On the move |
However Ben is an expert banister boy and regularly snoozes on it.
Pausing to savour his accomplishment |
Archie is a daredevil of the first order and races at full speed from one end to the other giving me heart failure.
Jimmy at the deep end |
And now Jimmy has joined their ranks.
Jimmy scenting the banister |
At least Kip still has all fours on the ground!!!
I'm adorable non? |
Good golly how could I scold him with a face like that?!?!
Thursday With Jimmy
Jimmy the Scallywag: Tiny Jimmy, not quite 7 lbs. has a gigantic presence and is a mischief maker extraordinaire!!! His paws are silent and he sometimes startles me when I turn around and see his earnest little face peering up at me. He is always...
We Made A Gif!!!!
Brave Jimmy volunteered to be the test subject for the making of the Gif. I promised him it wouldn't hurt :-) Here is our effort as shown to us in Katie's tutorial... The first time we made a mistake by selecting" normal" speed...Jimmy was...
Wordy Wednesday
My boys have many embarrassing nicknames that are used regularly. I thought I’d highlight a couple of Jimmy’s today. When I’m calling around the house trying to locate him I’ll say “Jimmy Jimmer are you upstairs?”, or “where’s my...
Tuxie Tuesday
I think by now everyone knows that it drives me crazy when Ben messes about on the upstairs banister... But look at the angelic halo of light that surrounds's hard to stay angry :-)...
Jimmy's Out And About!!!
Sound the trumpets and the fanfare, Jimmy has been sprung!!!! Last night after work I took Jimmy to have a check up with his vet and got the okay to to let him socialize with the boys. As soon as Robert got home we opened the door to...