Thursday with Jimmy
Jimmy the Scallywag: Tiny Jimmy, not quite 7 lbs. has a gigantic presence and is a mischief maker extraordinaire!!! His paws are silent and he sometimes startles me when I turn around and see his earnest little face peering up at me. He is always into some kind of furtive exploration and you would think his stealth would assist him but he gets so excited and cannot contain his loud chirps and trills of delight...his location is revealed every single time.
in the bathroom doing goodness knows what |
Jimmy is an unabashed love bug, each morning begins with his signature nose kisses and vigorous face rubbing (his to mine) before I've even risen from the bed. I frankly think he would lick my cheeks raw given half a chance.
look at that face!!! |
Tomorrow, last but not least, Kip
Jimmy's New Trick
Look who has learned how to get up on the banister. This does NOT exactly thrill me but Jimmy is very pleased with himself and trills, sings and coos to let me know he has made the leap. Wow, I made it :-) Thankfully Casper has no interest...
Kip Update
relaxed fellow Hi all, Kip here. I've been in my new home for a week and I thought everyone might like an update. I'm feeling pretty comfortable now and no longer hide under the bed. I'm still in my own room but I'll...
Happy 1st Birthday Jimmy!!!
It is Jimmy’s first birthday today (or as near as I can figure after consulting with Chrystal), he is a mancat now and I wanted to share a little with all of you about just what a fantastic cat he is! As most of you know, Robert and I adopted...
Friday Flashback
When I was fourteen my sister Sarah (who is six years older) and I brought home a nine month old Abyssinian kitten. Sarah had read about some kittens that would be available at a local cat show and dragged me along as her hapless accomplice. ...
Mancat (and A Boycat) Monday
The other day all four cats were on the bed snoozing and it was the first time Jimmy had joined the boys. Jimmy doesn't usually stay still for long so I was very excited and wanted to get a picture. Only the bedside table lamp was on and...