Kip Update
relaxed fellow |
Hi all, Kip here. I've been in my new home for a week and I thought everyone might like an update. I'm feeling pretty comfortable now and no longer hide under the bed. I'm still in my own room but I'll be meeting my brothers soon now that my sniffles and sneezes have cleared up and I got a clean bill of health from the vet!
playing with the tickler |
I love snuggling with my mum and she seems to like it too when I lie on her chest and make happy paws in the air. I tuck my head under her chin and purr and purr, mum smiles and tickles my tummy and toes. I've had a couple of face to face encounters with my brothers, mum held me in her arms and dad held each of the boys in turn so we could see each other and have a sniff. That went really well each time and only Jimmy gave me a little hiss. That made mum laugh because not so long ago he was the newcomer!
looking adorable |
Well that's all for the moment. Mum promises to take lots of pictures when I meet my brothers so we can show all of you. Please keep your paws crossed that all goes well :-)
Wordy Wednesday
My boys have many embarrassing nicknames that are used regularly. I thought I’d highlight a couple of Jimmy’s today. When I’m calling around the house trying to locate him I’ll say “Jimmy Jimmer are you upstairs?”, or “where’s my...
Mancat Monday Message
Hi folks, it's Jimmy here the youngest of the mancats with a message for all our friends. On February 9th we will be celebrating the Gotcha Day for two of my brothers. That's right, two brothers Gotcha'd two years apart but on...
In Celebration Of The Outstretched Paw
I thought I would join in the "Celebration of the Outstretched Paw". A lot of cat blogs out there have posted fantastic pictures and it gave me an excuse to sift through my photos and choose some of my favourites. Enjoy... Here's Molly outstretching...
Meet Archie
Last but not least, I give you Archie, aka Ginger Snap, Peaches, Georgia Peach, Little Man. According to a website of Scottish names and their meanings, Archibald/Archie means bold one or brave warrior, well wow that is fitting! He is unlike any kitten...
Introducing A New Dog To Your Cat
So you've just got a new dog and you want to introduce them to your cat. When introducing any new pets to each other, it’s much better to control the situation rather than leave the animals to sort it out for themselves. First impressions are important...