Mancat (and a boycat) Monday
The other day all four cats were on the bed snoozing and it was the first time Jimmy had joined the boys. Jimmy doesn't usually stay still for long so I was very excited and wanted to get a picture. Only the bedside table lamp was on and that was not enough light, I thought I better turn on the overhead. I grabbed the remote for the light but unfortunately turned on the ceiling fan by mistake. The noise woke them from their slumber and they were all fascinated. Except of course for sweet deaf Casper, he felt the disturbance on the bed by didn't know which way to look.
That's not supposed to be on this time of year! |
Benjamin the brave (not really but lets go with it) rushed in for a closer look. Casper still hasn't figured out which way to look and Archie has already lost interest and may lick his paw instead of listening to Ben show off for little Jimmy.
Stand back Jimmy I'll take care of this |
By this time I've turned off the fan and it has slowed. Although Ben is still giving me his best mighty mancat pose, Jimmy has lost interest. Casper however has figured out there is something going on behind him.
Gee thanks for telling me guys |
Regardless of the fan interruption, it was lovely to see them all snoozing together :-)
Mancat Monday
It is sooo difficult to get all five of my boys in the same picture. Sometimes the best I can do is four at a time. Here are Casper, Ben, Jimmy and Kip watching bird TV about a week ago, and here are Archie, Ben, Jimmy and Kip in pretty much...
Wordy Wednesday
My boys have many embarrassing nicknames that are used regularly. I thought I’d highlight a couple of Jimmy’s today. When I’m calling around the house trying to locate him I’ll say “Jimmy Jimmer are you upstairs?”, or “where’s my...
Mancat Tuesday
Well we missed mancat Monday because we happily joined the birthday postings for a dear friend in the CB. However, I very much wanted to post these cute pics of Archie and Jimmy so I've just bumped mancat Monday to Tuesday. I don't...
Jimmy's Out And About!!!
Sound the trumpets and the fanfare, Jimmy has been sprung!!!! Last night after work I took Jimmy to have a check up with his vet and got the okay to to let him socialize with the boys. As soon as Robert got home we opened the door to...
The New Door Horror...
Just when I think I know my cats they go and do something that throws me off. I usually like to write my blog on Friday, but we had a new front door installed yesterday and it created quite a cat stir so I decided to post early. Since my guys are indoor...