Second Annual Everycat Sleeping Contest
The Second Annual Everycat Sleeping Contest is being held over at
Kat's Kats. Yes we know it is a very similar name to our blog and what makes things even more coincidental is that they also adopted a
Winnie's Wish kitty named Audrey who just happens to be Jimmy's SISTER!
Therefore we thought it fitting that Jimmy be our entry for the contest, so here he is in all his slumbering glory :-)
sleeping beauty |
The contest ends November 1st... there is still time to enter!!!
Words On Wednesday
At the beginning of May and again yesterday, our dear friends Madi and Mom from Down Home in North Carolina posted about a talented lady and fellow blogger they know named Kathy, who made Madi's mom a very pretty bracelet, earrings and pendant. Kathy...
Happy 1st Birthday Jimmy!!!
It is Jimmy’s first birthday today (or as near as I can figure after consulting with Chrystal), he is a mancat now and I wanted to share a little with all of you about just what a fantastic cat he is! As most of you know, Robert and I adopted...
Wednesday Wellness
Let me tell you cats and kittens there was big drama at our house yesterday. ALL the cats went to the V-E-T! interested in the carriers until they were put inside Benjamin and Archie were scheduled for their annual check-ups and were...
Kitty Cure-all
Well this is day four of the flu, I have not left the house since work on Monday. I feel awful, not only sick, but behind schedule on everything; shopping, decorating, wrapping! I'm usually finished my Christmas shopping by now and I've...
Thanksgiving & Santa Paws
We celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving back in October, but seeing as Jimmy is American by birth, we thought another thanksgiving post was in order. So on this special holiday I would like to say that I am thankful for all my good friends in the Cat...