Kitty cure-all
Well this is day four of the flu, I have not left the house since work on Monday. I feel awful, not only sick, but behind schedule on everything; shopping, decorating, wrapping! I'm usually finished my Christmas shopping by now and I've hardly even started...I don't know where November went!!! Thank goodness we got the outdoor lights up last weekend or there would be nothing done. Anyway enough of my complaining. At least I can lie around with my laptop and do some blog visiting between bouts of sleeping...except of course for yesterday when Casper chewed through a cable in the basement so there was no internet for the entire day until Robert got home from work and was able to fix it. I posted all of two comments from my iPhone then gave up because it was too difficult and the screen is so tiny. Casper is a compulsive chewer and despite the fact that we cover cables and cords to the best of our abilities, occasionally he still gets to one.
a healing circle :-) |
The one good thing about being home sick is the kitty love. They lie on the bed all day and keep me company. Three big lumps of love sleeping, purring, stretching and frankly hogging all the space :-) However, today is different, there might be four. Robert and I decided that things are going so well with Jimmy's integration that we will let him be out for the entire day and see how things go.
There has been very little kitty love from anyone yet, just loads of galloping all over the house. Jimmy has jumped up on the bed a few times to see me but running and playing with his bros seems to be much more fun at the moment.
during one of his "still" moments |
a momentary snuggle :-) |
Second Annual Everycat Sleeping Contest
The Second Annual Everycat Sleeping Contest is being held over at Kat's Kats. Yes we know it is a very similar name to our blog and what makes things even more coincidental is that they also adopted a Winnie's Wish kitty named Audrey who...
Happy 1st Birthday Jimmy!!!
It is Jimmy’s first birthday today (or as near as I can figure after consulting with Chrystal), he is a mancat now and I wanted to share a little with all of you about just what a fantastic cat he is! As most of you know, Robert and I adopted...
The New Bed...
Yesterday we had a new bed delivered, or more accurately the frame. This caused great excitement among the cats as three huge boxes were brought into the house. The bed is a king size which posed a bit of a logistical problem because our home...
The Dash For Ash
Wow what a busy weekend...three States, three helpful people, one Province, a ton of driving (518 miles, or 833kms each way) and the sweetest cat you ever met! We left Friday afternoon and our first stop was Michigan Where we stayed the night in...
Sunshine Boys
A favourite place of mine in the house is the “cat room” which is actually one of our spare bedrooms. It has a comfy double bed pushed up against a tall window that overlooks the back garden. In the afternoon, the sun beats onto the bed and the room...