The New Bed...

The New Bed...

Yesterday we had a new bed delivered, or more accurately the frame.  This caused great excitement among the cats as three huge boxes were brought into the house.  The bed is a king size which posed a bit of a logistical problem because our home is not....

Our tiny beach house is about 100 years old, with uneven floors and only two closets in the entire place if you can believe that!  We have three bedrooms but they are little.  The master luckily has a slanted roof alcove at one end so my dresser (Robert's is in another room entirely) tucks nicely out of the way leaving a decent amount of floor space but the bed will take up just about the whole room.

The funny thing is that the mattress and box springs were delivered separately about a month ago but because the frame was a custom order from this company in California which specializes in iron beds, the delays have been endless!  So we have been sleeping with our new mattress on the floor for a while like a couple of hippies – LOL!!! 

I must admit I love having a big bed.  The cats rarely sleep on Robert’s side, but I am regularly pinned down by all four.  I used to think king beds were gauche and for years I refused to even consider one.

Robert persisted mostly because he is tall (6’ 3”) and I think he wanted to lie diagonally without bothering me so his feet wouldn’t hang over the end.  Then after we got Jimmy who is an up-close night time cuddler I finally said to Robert that yes we now had to get the king bed because I just couldn’t take the crowding anymore.   I know Jim is just wee but four really made a difference!

I think the bed was well worth the wait and is absolutely gorgeous.  It's large yes, but the open bars give it an airy feel and it really isn't as overpowering as I was afraid it would be.

Can you see the crystal knobs :-)

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