Wednesday Wellness
Let me tell you cats and kittens there was big drama at our house yesterday. ALL the cats went to the V-E-T!
interested in the carriers until they were put inside |
Benjamin and Archie were scheduled for their annual check-ups and were going anyway at this time of year. Casper missed his annual in November so I added him to the check-up schedule and somehow he had never been micro-chipped, so he got one yesterday too. Jimmy had some health issues when he first came to us and we decided not to micro-chip him at that time but wait until he was bigger and stronger. Well yesterday was as good a time as any since his brothers were going, so I made an appointment for him also. Off we went four cats in two carriers to see the fabulous and patient Dr. D.
Casper and Archie in the big carrier |
Ben and Jimmy in the smaller carrier |
Casper was of course an absolute angel, he is so gentle and easy and that even extends to the vet; he weighs 11lbs. Benjamin was also a gem (perhaps terrified) and did not put up any fuss at all; he is a petite 8lbs. Archie who is a very happy-go-lucky boy struggled a little when he had his temperature taken (I would too) and gave a few growls when he got his vaccination; weighs in at a robust 12lbs. Little Jimmy at ten months old is 7lbs. and had the most disagreeable reaction to his micro-chip. He hissed and growled and tried to bite the vet, he wriggled from my grasp and hid under my coat. He was not happy but I promise you it was worse for me. He is such a loving boy, I have NEVER seen him like that! As a result the doctor could not get the chip injected and had to try again in "the back" where I'm sure a few technicians were enlisted to hold him steady.
finished and ready to go home |
Well thank goodness that is over for a while. Jimmy will have his annual check in November but the other three are now done until next year...phew! When we got home and opened the carriers they all bounded out simultaneously and much bathing ensued. Everyone seemed to recover quickly however Casper talked about it all night and mummy had to have a big glass of wine!
Jimmy not looking too thrilled about the whole experience |
Mancat Monday
I didn't have a chance to make a post last Friday, if I had it would have been called Fracas on Friday! Let me explain.... On Thursday night, Archie and Casper went to the vet for their annual check-ups (Jimmy and Ben had already been for theirs...
Friday - Update On The Boys
Hello friends, I wanted to thank everyone for their overwhelming good wishes for Kip and Jimmy on Wednesday and for the many suggestions and remedies to help them recover from their colds. I purchased some Viralys lysine palatable gel (hah) from my vet...
Friday Fun
Back in August I had a custom illustration made for our Christmas cards this year. A very talented artist from Boston created our family in a wonderful winter setting based on photos that I sent her via email. As you can see she's drawn...
Kitty Cure-all
Well this is day four of the flu, I have not left the house since work on Monday. I feel awful, not only sick, but behind schedule on everything; shopping, decorating, wrapping! I'm usually finished my Christmas shopping by now and I've...
The New Door Horror...
Just when I think I know my cats they go and do something that throws me off. I usually like to write my blog on Friday, but we had a new front door installed yesterday and it created quite a cat stir so I decided to post early. Since my guys are indoor...