Tuxie Tuesday
Hey kids, Ben here with the Tuxie Tuesday report...
This past weekend was a long weekend in Canada to celebrate Victoria Day so nobody worked on Monday,
archie, ben and jimmy at the back window |
truth be told nobody worked for pretty much the entire weekend,
casper had a full schedule |
there was just lots of lounging around,
ben and kip at the back door |
and of course window wiffing,
casper, archie and ben doing what they do best |
but mostly just lounging...
ben and kip |
it was great :-)
Friday With Casper
Hey kids, see that little gray squirt behind me? That's my baby brother Jimmy and it's his 1st Gotcha Day on Sunday. Now our mum doesn't usually post on the weekends but of course she's making an exception this weekend. ...
Some Purrs For Ash Please
Hi All, Little Ash had to be back at the animal hospital on Saturday to find out what is happening with his ears and head. The furless patches that we noticed on the drive home had grown quite large and I was getting worried. Unfortunately...
On The Road
Hi All, Just a quick post to let everyone know that we are heading off on the road this weekend to get Ash. His room is all ready for him, complete with new cat bed that Casper has already given the "ok". look closely to see Casper I have...
And The Players Are...
UPDATE: Thank goodness Blogger Dashboard is back to normal :-) No more gigantic pictures and missing scroll bars...seems a lot if us were having the same problems. Hi all, Well I had exactly three people who said they wanted to participate...
Ben's Botheration
Last weekend one of my seven “Cat-facts” for the Versatile Blogger Award was that “Ben is a worrier.” My precious tuxy boy is a little serious sometimes and I can always tell from this sort of "pursed" look he gets on his face that he...