On the Road
Hi All,
Just a quick post to let everyone know that we are heading off
on the road this weekend to get Ash. His room is all ready for him, complete with new cat bed that Casper has already given the "ok".
look closely to see Casper |
I have his food and bowls, a new litter box and lots of nice toys. He will have to stay separated from the gang for about a week before I start the introductions to the boys, and I'm hoping he will settle in after the long journey and relax for the duration ("yah right mum, he's a kitten remember...sheesh" ~ Ben).
Chrystal, Amy and I will all be posting on Monday about Saturday's activities, so please pop by for a visit and read all about
The Dash For Ash! (thanks for the great name Jan).
Picky Mancat Monday
Does anyone remember this picture? It was taken back in April when we were attempting to find a wet food that everyone liked. The cats were very interested in the food trials and gathered in the kitchen for each taste test. After...
Big News!!!!
Hi All, I have some wonderful news to share with you...I'm expecting a new addition to our family. This is Ash, he is one of the Winnie's Wish kitties and he needed a home. I have a little extra room at my house since Molly went...
Hot Cats In The City
It is summertime and we are having a typical Toronto heat wave. For the last three days it has been 43C with the humidex (that’s 109.4 for those of you who use Fahrenheit) and an extreme heat alert was issued. We have air conditioning in the house but...
Petplan Lends A Hand At Our New Mitcham Homing Centre
In July employees from our partner Petplan and the wider Allianz community kindly spent the day helping prepare our new Mitcham Homing Centre for its grand opening. This was an opportunity for staff from their different offices to meet and work...
Introducing A New Dog To Your Cat
So you've just got a new dog and you want to introduce them to your cat. When introducing any new pets to each other, it’s much better to control the situation rather than leave the animals to sort it out for themselves. First impressions are important...