Some Purrs for Ash Please
Hi All,
Little Ash had to be back at the animal hospital on Saturday to find out what is happening with his ears and head. The furless patches that we noticed on the drive home had grown quite large and I was getting worried. Unfortunately Dr. D. who I trust and adore is out of town (and was away last weekend when I took Ash in on Sunday) but yesterday we saw a new partner at the practice who I felt was very thorough. Ash is a little bit of a mystery because his fungal culture for ringworm is not growing
anything, but this vet said that was what he thought it was. He treated Ash for what he called "the big three" which are infection, parasite (mange) and fungus (ringworm). He got an antibiotic injection and the poor lamb has to wear a cone because he can't lick the anti-fungal cream which has to be applied twice a day. I feel terrible for our little man, he is so lovely and affectionate and doesn't understand whats going on. If it is ringworm it could be weeks that he has to be separated from the other cats! As it is I was told to wear gloves when I touch him and when I come out of his room I must change my clothes! It is a tiresome protocol, but I have to protect Casper, Ben and Archie too.
I'll keep everyone posted on his progress. The vet said hopefully we would see some improvement by Tuesday and to call him and we can discuss the situation then. In the meantime, please keep Ash in your prayers and purrs.
poor sweetie! |
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