Purrs for Casper Please
Hi all, I need some purrs for Casper and a little advice too...
We took Casper to the vet on Saturday because I had noticed about a week earlier he had developed an odd black mark on his chin. I had looked online and read about "chin acne" in cats and figured this was what he had. It wasn't until the vet shaved his chin to get a closer look that we realized how
much black there was.
Casper's chin |
The vet said it was a topical bacteria growing on Casper's chin although we have no idea where it came from. After his fur was shaved she cleaned the area with an antibacterial/anti fungal soap and Casper also got an antibiotic jab. We were given the soap to take home and instructions to bathe the area every second day for ten days. It is quite difficult to tell what is bacteria and what is dried blood from the shaving because his chin was very red and raw after that was done. I know we aren't at the ten day point yet, but I haven't seen one iota of improvement in Casper's chin.
Has anyone out there experienced this or something similar? Please let me know and please purr for Casper to be better soon. Thank you!!!!
Mancat Monday
I thought I'd share these pics of Archie I took yesterday... He was just coming down the stairs after having a drink of water. Can you see the water droplets still on his chin fur? I thought he looked adorable. Here's an extreme close up :-)...
Friends On Friday
Hello friends it's Casper, I'm here to ask for your help... Casper misses his Arty Mouse! I am very worried about my lovely ladycat Artemisia!!! She went walkabouts on Monday and has not come back. Please visit Arty's family and...
Wordy Wednesday
My boys have many embarrassing nicknames that are used regularly. I thought I’d highlight a couple of Jimmy’s today. When I’m calling around the house trying to locate him I’ll say “Jimmy Jimmer are you upstairs?”, or “where’s my...
Some Purrs For Ash Please
Hi All, Little Ash had to be back at the animal hospital on Saturday to find out what is happening with his ears and head. The furless patches that we noticed on the drive home had grown quite large and I was getting worried. Unfortunately...
Versatile Blogger
The terrific TK and Squashies from TK-Furrever Home AND marvelous Meowmeowmans from Animal Shelter Volunteer Life passed the Versatile Blogger Award this way and we thank them both very much for thinking of us. As I did it earlier this month, the cats...