Ash and the Cone

Ash and the Cone

For those of you who were wondering, I take Ash's cone off when I am with him. I asked my vet about using a soft cone (which doesn't seem to be available in Canada, but I could always order it from the States) but he said they were no good and come off all the time.  So unfortunately it seems we are stuck with the hard cone for the duration.  But we have cuddles and play several times a day without the cone and he runs and jumps and gets a great work out mostly with Amy's "Da Bird" that she gave us. Ash just loves it! But if he starts to scratch at his ears or try to lick them I have to put the cone back on because the vet said prolonged ingestion of the anti-fungal cream can cause liver damage and he has to have the cream applied until the 14th. So I'm trying to be very careful, but still give him some freedom.  Ash seems to take it all in stride, it's me that is the wreck (lol)! The great thing about Ash though is he doesn't seem to be the type to hold a grudge :-)

Ash before the cone

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