Mancat Monday
Be sure to write it clearly mum or nobody will believe you because there aren't any pictures. Okay Casper I'll do my best.
Casper checks my post |
On Sunday when I was vacuuming in the bedroom, Casper came in to see me. The vacuum has never bothered him because being a deaf cat, he cannot hear the loud noise.
don't forget to write how brave I was |
Casper has always enjoyed a good brushing, both the zoom groom and the furminator are fine with him. So I wondered if he would like being vacuumed too. I had the round brush attachment on the hose because I was cleaning under the bed when Casper approached me. I started stroking Casper's back with the nozzle and he LOVED it. He stood for several minutes while I did the top of his back, head and sides :-)
Casper snuggles up to tell me how much he liked the new brush |
I wish I had pictures!!! It seems that in future I will have to do the vacuuming with a camera in my pocket in case Casper is amenable to another suction grooming :-)
Purrs For Casper Please
Hi all, I need some purrs for Casper and a little advice too... We took Casper to the vet on Saturday because I had noticed about a week earlier he had developed an odd black mark on his chin. I had looked online and read about "chin acne" in cats...
Friends On Friday
I love that my boys are all friends. Casper isn't in this picture not because he isn't friendly with the others, in fact he is the cornerstone of all the relationships, but because being a deaf cat he doesn't hear the tin opening (don't...
Zoom Groom Love!!!
Hi kitties, we got a zoom groom last weekend and the cats are crazy for it! I love it when Mum zooms my fluffy tail!Now I should mention that Casper has always loved to be brushed and Furminator-ed, Ben was less enthusiastic but tolerated it...
The New Door Horror...
Just when I think I know my cats they go and do something that throws me off. I usually like to write my blog on Friday, but we had a new front door installed yesterday and it created quite a cat stir so I decided to post early. Since my guys are indoor...
Meet Casper
This is Casper aka Prince Casper, Casp, Casperator, Casperitis, Snow Cat, Polar Cat. I don’t even know how to start to describe Casper, he is such a great guy. Technically I suppose he is a special needs cat because he is deaf, but aside from the fact...