Meet Casper

This is Casper aka Prince Casper, Casp, Casperator, Casperitis, Snow Cat, Polar Cat. I don’t even know how to start to describe Casper, he is such a great guy. Technically I suppose he is a special needs cat because he is deaf, but aside from the fact he has a bizarre meow, and we can sneak out of the room without him waking up, he is like any other cat. We got Casper when he was nine months old, still a kitten and a bit hyper he has grown into such a mellow, friendly, fella. I guess because he is deaf, he is just so relaxed! No loud noises scare him and he sleeps like a rock. Casper has welcomed every cat we have put in front of him with open paws. A patient and tolerant older brother he endures kitten antics with love. He is a prince in every way! The other boys take their cues from him so therefore intentionally or unintentionally he sets a very calm tone around the house: if Casper isn’t bothered by it then neither are they. I think I have the only cats I know who aren’t scared of the vacuum cleaner.
He is incredibly good-looking too. With his ice blue eyes, glossy coat, pink ears and nose he cuts quite a dashing figure. His paws are like gigantic snowshoes with great tufts of fur sticking out from between the pads. He is a big boy, 12lbs of solid muscle and dense white fur like a polar bear. He trains relentlessly for the Olympic sleeping team and I could stare at him for hours while he snoozes, usually on his back with all fours in the air completely blissed out and beautiful. He is so good natured and loves company. I don’t mean our company (although I’m sure he likes us), but
real company as in guests to the house. When we entertain friends or family, Casper is the life of the party. He stands in the middle of the living room looking up at everyone, his big bushy tail a-quiver and doing happy paws. Nobody has to be stroking him, he just stands there kneading the floor because he is so happy that people have come over! He will visit each guest individually, spending a few minutes mingling before moving on to the next person. He is very equitable and always careful to spread the love around so nobody is left out.
Young Cats In Love - Part Ii
Prince Casper also has a creative and beautiful ladycat in his life, she is Artemisia, Imperial Majesty of Unparalleled Cuteness from the blog Alasandra the Cats & a Dog The lovely Artemisia has many suitors, but chose Casper for her boyfriend. ...
Wordy Wednesday Challenge
I picked the word benevolent to describe my Casper because in the truest definition of the word he is: characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings. From Casper's first day with us we knew he was a very special cat, not only for...
Bath Time
My friend Tricia (who does not know cats) asked me recently if cats need to have regular baths like dogs. A fair question and I replied no, unless they become particularly dirty for some reason... This reminded me of Casper’s adventure in the basement...
Cat Conversations
We all talk to our cats, but the question is do they listen to us? I think they do but as is the case with humans, some are better listeners than others. Molly is the best listener of my bunch, she knows and responds to her name (usually with a murp,...
The Introductions
Hello folks (if anyone is reading this) and welcome to my blog. I’m very new to the medium; in fact this is my inaugural posting. I have four cats and that is the reason I have started this little project. They are the joy of my heart and the children...