Liebster Blog Award

Liebster Blog Award

Hey cats and kittens, our very good friends Cloon and Tiri (who wrote such nice things about us we were immensely touched) AND Scarlet and Melly gave us an award and we would like to thank them both sincerely for thinking about us. 

"Liebster" means dear, dearest, favorite or beloved in German.  The requirements of receiving the award are to link back to who gave it to you, paste the Award on your blog, then choose 5 of your favorite blogs to pass the award on to that are up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers, let them know by leaving a comment on their blog and hope that the 5 blogs chosen will keep on spreading the love by passing the award on to 5 more blogs.

We are choosing to pass the award to just three blogs, but they are important blogs involved heavily with rescue and fostering and each blog is dear to us :-)

Daily Dose of Dogs (aka Cats With Your Coffee) is very special to us because both Jimmy and Kip came from this private rescue.  Chrystal writes truthfully about her experiences in animal rescue and takes us on a wild ride in the process; sometimes you will laugh and sometimes you will cry.

Random Felines is written by Jeanne who cares for a continuous parade of foster kittens at her home in addition to her resident cats.  Out of the goodness of her heart she volunteered to help with Kip's transport and drove almost ten hours round trip to bring Kip to us.

Marg's Pets is a warm and wonderful place to visit and sometimes you won't want to leave.  She has quite a collection of animals on her little farm and most of them were old, sick, or just plain unwanted when they arrived but now they are all loved and cared for!

I hope you can take a moment to visit these very special blogs and the people behind them :-)

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