Friday Fun

Friday Fun

Our good friends from Critters in the Cottage gave us the Illuminating Blogger award.  LP writes a delightful blog about her gang...two cats, two kittens, two senior foster cats and two dogs!!!

Now we've received this award before but this time, interestingly, it was given to Rio our woofie sister who rarely appears on the blog.  So here you go Levon, just for you a little illumination about our Rio....

First of all she is a golden doodle, this means her dad was a standard poodle and her mum was a golden retriever.  The original purpose of this cross breed was to develop guide dogs suitable for visually impaired individuals with allergies; she does not shed at all!!!  Doodles are super clever, friendly and relaxed family dogs who are eager to please.  Many people mistake our woofie sister for a male because they think Rio is a boy's name but in fact she was named after the girl in the 80's Duran Duran song Rio.  Because we live in an area called the Beach we thought the lyrics were appropriate...

"Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand
Just like that river twisting through a dusty land
And when she shines she really shows you all she can
Oh Rio, Rio dance across the Rio Grande."

Rio the day we chose her; 5 weeks old (don't know why this pic loaded sideways)

our golden girl

Rio a few months old, has not had a haircut yet

Rio's first Christmas
Rio leg surgery x2

Rio last Halloween

Rio with best friend Kip

Rio with the bed to herself

fresh from the groomer :-)
I hope you've all enjoyed seeing pics of our sister Rio.  Next week back to the really important kitties!!!

We would like to pass this award along to anyone who has not received it yet but would like to illuminate us with interesting facts about themselves :-)

- Friday Fun
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