Versatile Blogger

Versatile Blogger

The terrific TK and Squashies from TK-Furrever Home AND marvelous Meowmeowmans from Animal Shelter Volunteer Life passed the Versatile Blogger Award this way and we thank them both very much for thinking of us. As I did it earlier this month, the cats insisted that it is their turn this time, so here are seven lesser known cat-facts about Molly, Casper, Ben and Archie...

1. Ben chirps like a bird constantly and sometimes it verges on yodeling
2. Molly loves to be brushed
3. Casper does not like treats but likes to chew the bag they come in
4. When I first got Molly I had to feed her crunchies one at a time by hand
5. Whenever we rent a dvd, Casper sits close to the tv and watches and sometimes stands on his hind legs to point out the good bits
6. Archie loves to get in the shower with me
7. Ben is a worrier

Now we are supposed to pass this lovely award on to fifteen bloggers who we have recently discovered that we think are great. Since we are still discovering new fabulous bloggers everyday, we don't think we could pick fifteen when there are hundreds in the CB who we haven't met yet. Therefore we would like to offer this award to anyone who has not yet been tagged and would like to join in the fun :-)

- Mancat Monday, An Award For Kip
Hello friends, Kip here with some very exciting news.   I've been given an award by the beautiful Miss Penelope from the delightful blog Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats. Penelope is one of six cats who live at the cottage, if you are not familiar...

- Liebster Blog Award
Hey cats and kittens, our very good friends Cloon and Tiri (who wrote such nice things about us we were immensely touched) AND Scarlet and Melly gave us an award and we would like to thank them both sincerely for thinking about us.  "Liebster"...

- One Lovely Blog Award
Yesterday we were surprised and honoured to receive an award from fellow blogger Miss Kitty, who along with her father Egmont writes A Cat's Golden Years.  Thank you Miss Kitty!!! Miss Kitty selected three bloggers Ninifees DosiNews, Clooney's...

- Ben's Botheration
Last weekend one of my seven “Cat-facts” for the Versatile Blogger Award was that “Ben is a worrier.” My precious tuxy boy is a little serious sometimes and I can always tell from this sort of "pursed" look he gets on his face that he...

- Molly In The Bedroom
I’m fairly certain that Molly would have preferred to live out her twilight years in tranquil solitude. She has not forgiven me for bringing Casper into the house, and reminds me of this every time she sees him. She is just too old to accept anyone...

