Tuxedo Tuesday
My Ben is yummy tuxy goodness... she said totally unbiasedly - LOL!
Sleeping Beauty |
Nice Stems |
Deep in Thought |
Casual Dangle |
Casual Friday
For a Tuxedo cat, Ben is very informal today - LOL!!! he says "Enjoy the weekend everyone" ...
3t Tuesday
Hi kids, it's Tuesday tocks, toes and tail!!! Jimmy always does the craziest stuff with his tail, remember the bun? His tail curls like a monkey's! here his legs look a little frog-like but you must admit he has great tocks :-) and last...
Thankful Thursday
We would like to thank our good friends Hannah and Lucy, two lovely ladycats from Leicestershire, for giving us the Noteworthy Archive Blog award. We are honoured that they thought of us :-) In turn we would like to pass this recognition...
Kitty Cure-all
Well this is day four of the flu, I have not left the house since work on Monday. I feel awful, not only sick, but behind schedule on everything; shopping, decorating, wrapping! I'm usually finished my Christmas shopping by now and I've...
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for: T - tuxedo Ben H - happy cats A - Archie’s innocence N - nineteen years (in November) that Molly has been alive K - kindhearted Casper F - friendship that my boys share U - unending cat entertainment L - love from...