To Tree or Not to Tree...
That is the question that I had been asking myself all month!
I think it is terribly unfair to put up all these sparkly, dangling decorations then not let the cats play with them so I was really stalling when it came to our tree (I had also written about my misgivings on December 1st post "Christmas with Cats"). Well of course we got a tree :-) Last Thursday Robert and I went out an got a beautiful Fraser Fir. As far as I am concerned they are the best trees ever and I've been getting one every year for well over ten years. It is impossible to pick a bad one. Our tree was bound up for transport and covered in snow. It looked about the right height so we took it home, I knew when we cut the twine and let the branches fall it would be fine. They grow in the most perfect Christmas tree shape, as if in a drawing and rarely drop any needles. The needles are short, which I like, and rounded at the ends so they are soft and one never gets an uncomfortable poke while decorating...they are the ideal blank canvas to create your masterpiece.
My cat-proof tree |
However, this year my masterpiece is a study in minimal. For a few days now I have been living with just twinkle lights and a star at the top and it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Also, the boys have been surprisingly well behaved! Casper has not paid any significant attention to the tree and Ben has chewed a few branches but that is it. Archie camps out on the tree skirt and won't move and Jimmer is so overwhelmed by all the newness in the house that this is just one more thing to him and as a result nothing particularly special. Since all my worrying may have been for naught, I might add some unbreakable decorations now and see if my luck holds!
Can you see Archie? |
One special addition though is that Ben has placed a little catnip bouquet under the tree for his lovely Clemmie and asks if she would like to come over to play and maybe sing some Christmas carols with him :-)
for beautiful Clemmie |
Mancat Monday
Hi Kids, it's Kip here just hanging around, waiting for something exciting to happen. Hold on a minute, what was that? Did my mum and dad buy our Christmas tree?!?!...
To Tree Or Not To Tree
It took me ages to decide if we were going to have a tree this the end it was yes :-) In recent years I have been struggling with the reality that it is unfair to put out all kinds of dangling, sparkling temptations and then tell the cats...
Friday Fun
Back in August I had a custom illustration made for our Christmas cards this year. A very talented artist from Boston created our family in a wonderful winter setting based on photos that I sent her via email. As you can see she's drawn...
Ben's Botheration
Last weekend one of my seven “Cat-facts” for the Versatile Blogger Award was that “Ben is a worrier.” My precious tuxy boy is a little serious sometimes and I can always tell from this sort of "pursed" look he gets on his face that he...
Top Tips For A Cat-friendly Christmas
Christmas is on its way which for us means fun times aplenty. But for our pets, the arrival of trees, fancy food, toys and guests can have an impact. Photo courtesy of Clay Shonkwile via flickr.comHere is a checklist to ensure your cat’s festive season...