To Tree or Not to Tree
It took me ages to decide if we were going to have a tree this the end it was yes :-)
In recent years I have been struggling with the reality that it is unfair to put out all kinds of dangling, sparkling temptations and then tell the cats they can't play with them. Molly lived to nineteen, so it had been a very long time since I was concerned young cat shenanigans but that all changed when Casper arrived on the scene almost four years ago.
Kip has shown no interest at all in the tree |
I still have some glass baubles on the higher branches, but since Casper I've been modifying things so now the tree is mostly decorated with ornaments made from substances that are pretty harmless if they fall off. Here are just a few...
fabric snowballs |
cardboard snowflakes adorned with fluffy stuff |
these are paper if you can believe it...hand quilled |
wooden hummers |
feather and metal |
lucite |
So perhaps my tree isn't quite as elegant as in years past but I'm happy to know that if the boys just can't leave things alone (Ben) at least they will be as safe as possible :-)
beaded snowflake |
Friday Fun
Back in August I had a custom illustration made for our Christmas cards this year. A very talented artist from Boston created our family in a wonderful winter setting based on photos that I sent her via email. As you can see she's drawn...
Christmas With Cats
I would never opt not to have cats in my life, but my gosh sometimes they are a challenge! I was just wondering how Christmas will play out this year with both Archie AND Jimmy experiencing it for the first time. We always have a real tree...
Ben's Botheration
Last weekend one of my seven “Cat-facts” for the Versatile Blogger Award was that “Ben is a worrier.” My precious tuxy boy is a little serious sometimes and I can always tell from this sort of "pursed" look he gets on his face that he...
Molly In The Bedroom
I’m fairly certain that Molly would have preferred to live out her twilight years in tranquil solitude. She has not forgiven me for bringing Casper into the house, and reminds me of this every time she sees him. She is just too old to accept anyone...
Top Tips For A Cat-friendly Christmas
Christmas is on its way which for us means fun times aplenty. But for our pets, the arrival of trees, fancy food, toys and guests can have an impact. Photo courtesy of Clay Shonkwile via flickr.comHere is a checklist to ensure your cat’s festive season...