Thankful Thursday
Hi cats and kittens we've had a little excitement around here that we'd like to tell you about.
Our Santa Paws package arrived the other day from those dashing English mancats
Eric and Flynn. First mum said we had to wait until Christmas to open it, but we sulked and she relented.
It was filled with a great assortment of goodies, please enjoy the pictures of us enjoying the generosity of Eric and Flynn :-)
Wow look at all this stuff |
Casper can hardly wait until I open the packages |
springing, dangling, jingling fun |
so many goodies! |
plague rats filled with valerian, note the double footed bunny kick |
Kip tries to get second plague rat out of the package |
yummy treats |
Jimmy digs in while Ben looks on |
Archie checks out the assorted mousies while has a turn with the other rat |
Thank you Eric and Flynn for the wonderful Christmas gifts, you guys were awesome secret Santas!!!!
International Box Day
My boys love to be in, on, or around boxes and there is always great excitement in the house when boxes are about. So I thought it would be easy just to go to my picture folders and they would be teeming with box shots. They were not. ...
Wonderful Amy!
Yesterday the boys received a package from Amy at the House of Cats. Amy truly has a heart of gold and embodies the spirit of giving! Jimmy was the first one on the scene followed closely by Ben. look at my picture on this pendantThen Casper and...
Thanksgiving & Santa Paws
We celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving back in October, but seeing as Jimmy is American by birth, we thought another thanksgiving post was in order. So on this special holiday I would like to say that I am thankful for all my good friends in the Cat...
Paw It Forward
What can this be? Oh my goodness, such excitement in the house today! A knock at the door and a box delivered for the cats. With little regard for his personal safety, Archie jumps head first into the box to investigate Ben steps up...
New Homes For Hotel Kittens
Cats Protection has found new homes for some unwanted hotel guests – a mother cat and her eight kittens. The charity’s Fareham & Waterlooville Districts Branch in Hampshire, England, was called out to a hotel in July to catch the stray cat and...