Happy Jimmy
I spoke to Dr. D. on Wendesday and Jimmy's first set of test results came in (the second set are due on Saturday). There was no presence of any significant fungus which is good news, but that still doesn't tell us what is worng and Dr. D isn't really convinced it's allergic or food related. The next set of results will tell us if it is any kind of strange bacteria that may be resistent to the antibiotic injections that he has received. Bottom line is at the moment we have no clue and it might even be something odd that is clearing up on its own (that would be fantastic but I'm not holding my breath). I asked Dr. D. if Jimmy could come out of the bedroom because he is so unhappy being by himself and I really don't want to mess up his socialization with the other cats which had been going so well. He said ok, so Jimmer has been sprung again and is delighted to put it mildly :-)
snuggling mum's leg |
In the meantime whether it is food related or not his ears are definitely looking better since he has changed to the venison and pea formula...but geez, did it have to be deer? {{sigh}}
improving :-) |
I'll keep you posted as I hear of any developments and hopefully have some fun pictures to post soon of Jimbo enjoying his renewed freedom.
enjoying the house |
Friday - Update On The Boys
Hello friends, I wanted to thank everyone for their overwhelming good wishes for Kip and Jimmy on Wednesday and for the many suggestions and remedies to help them recover from their colds. I purchased some Viralys lysine palatable gel (hah) from my vet...
Wordy Wednesday
My boys have many embarrassing nicknames that are used regularly. I thought I’d highlight a couple of Jimmy’s today. When I’m calling around the house trying to locate him I’ll say “Jimmy Jimmer are you upstairs?”, or “where’s my...
Friday Fun
I love it when a new meme hits the CB and makes the rounds through everyone. It's always fun to learn new things about kitties and humans alike! We were tagged to play by our friends the Cats of the Wildcat Wood. So here are...
Jimmy's Out And About!!!
Sound the trumpets and the fanfare, Jimmy has been sprung!!!! Last night after work I took Jimmy to have a check up with his vet and got the okay to to let him socialize with the boys. As soon as Robert got home we opened the door to...
Some Purrs For Ash Please
Hi All, Little Ash had to be back at the animal hospital on Saturday to find out what is happening with his ears and head. The furless patches that we noticed on the drive home had grown quite large and I was getting worried. Unfortunately...