Friday with Kip
We finish off the week with
Kipling Moonshadow the True: and by true I mean innocent, guileless, and open hearted. Kip's world is filled with joy and amazement because he is so receptive to absolutely
everything. Sights, sounds, toys, games, smells, people, food, sensations, his brothers, Rio, you name it, he approaches it all with wide-eyed wonder and revels in every moment of the experience.
ready for anything! |
Kip is a peaceful panther, and I get the feeling he might just be following in Casper's Goodwill Ambassador
foot pawsteps. Of course he likes to play and tussle but he does so in such a affable and mellow manner he is the most non-aggressive cat I have ever met!
sorry for da blur, blame it on DaBird |
Well that is it for all the boys, I hope your enjoyed these little glimpses into their personalities :-)
Happy Birthday Kip!!!!
It is my beautiful Kip's first birthday today (which is a best guess after consulting with Chrystal ) he's a mancat now ::sniff, sniff:: As most of you know Kip was born wild and did not care much for humans when he was first rescued. Yikes,...
Thankful Thursday
I am so very thankful for my wonderful boys, especially Casper who once again took the lead and set the welcoming tone for Kip our newcomer. Of course I was hopeful that all would go well but one never knows, so when I saw him coo and nuzzle Kip from...
Wordy Wednesday Challenge
I picked the word benevolent to describe my Casper because in the truest definition of the word he is: characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings. From Casper's first day with us we knew he was a very special cat, not only for...
Happy Birthday Judi!
A little birdie told us that there is a birthday over at Sammy and Andy's Place today... Kind-hearted Judi, thank you for all your help last year making a blog header and a Christmas card for my kitties. The...
Molly In The Bedroom
I’m fairly certain that Molly would have preferred to live out her twilight years in tranquil solitude. She has not forgiven me for bringing Casper into the house, and reminds me of this every time she sees him. She is just too old to accept anyone...