Thankful Thursday
I am so very thankful for my wonderful boys, especially Casper who once again took the lead and set the welcoming tone for Kip our newcomer. Of course I was hopeful that all would go well but one never knows, so when I saw him coo and nuzzle Kip from the first moment, I could have wept with relief! Casper is indeed our goodwill ambassador, he has accepted every cat I have brought into this house and calmly offered his friendship without hesitation. Archie gave Kip a few uncharacteristic growls but is coming around, Jimmy was the first to engage him in a game of chase with Ben readily joining in. During the meet and greet sessions Kip truly was amazing; open, playful and friendly to all the boys, gentle, inquisitive and completely non-threatening, it was a joy to watch them all together. I am so blessed and fortunate :-)
So these are my boys for the next twenty years… my exceptional boys!
Casper |
Benjamin |
Archie |
Jimmy |
and Kip |
Thoughtful Thursday
This picture was taken in March 2009, we had only adopted Ben the month before. Casper was (and is) the most wonderful and gentle big brother, this is one of my all-time favourite pictures of them together. Do you think Casper is telling baby Ben...
Wordy Wednesday Challenge
I picked the word benevolent to describe my Casper because in the truest definition of the word he is: characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings. From Casper's first day with us we knew he was a very special cat, not only for...
Thankful (for Pam) Thursday
I am thankful for the wonderful and caring friends that I have in the CB. I never tire of saying that and my feelings are continually affirmed. Today I am thankful specifically for knowing a generous lady named Pam from California...
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for: T - tuxedo Ben H - happy cats A - Archie’s innocence N - nineteen years (in November) that Molly has been alive K - kindhearted Casper F - friendship that my boys share U - unending cat entertainment L - love from...
Molly In The Bedroom
I’m fairly certain that Molly would have preferred to live out her twilight years in tranquil solitude. She has not forgiven me for bringing Casper into the house, and reminds me of this every time she sees him. She is just too old to accept anyone...