Friday Flashback
Hey kids, this is our 400th post and to celebrate I thought we'd flashback to when Ben was a baby. This was about a year before I started my blog so you probably won't have seen these shots before...
one of my favourites |
There were so many pictures I could hardly choose, Casper and Ben were always stuck together like glue it was the cutest thing :-)
Ben was so tiny |
Whatever Casper did, Ben did.
lasers x2 |
They were world-class snugglers.
Who shared everything.
Casper looked after Ben so well.
"don't worry it's just the vacuum cleaner, it can't hurt you" |
Ben wanted to be just like his brother.
"There's room for me too Casper" |
Casper told Ben many things.
whisper, whisper, whisper |
Taught him about life.
Helped him make discoveries.
"sometimes toys hide under the carper edges" |
Encouraged him.
"well done Ben!!!" |
It was a wonderful time
For both boys :-)
Casper And The Vacuum Part Ii
Hi Kids, I don't know if you recall last Mancat Monday mum told you about my new grooming experience with the vacuum but we didn't have any pictures. Well, the next time mum was cleaning she had the camera in her pocket just in case...
Friday With Casper
Hey kids, see that little gray squirt behind me? That's my baby brother Jimmy and it's his 1st Gotcha Day on Sunday. Now our mum doesn't usually post on the weekends but of course she's making an exception this weekend. ...
Thoughtful Thursday
This picture was taken in March 2009, we had only adopted Ben the month before. Casper was (and is) the most wonderful and gentle big brother, this is one of my all-time favourite pictures of them together. Do you think Casper is telling baby Ben...
Happy Gotcha Day Casper And Archie
Hello friends and thank you for popping by for Casper and Archie's Gotcha Day celebration! Ben and Jimmy help celebrate their brother's Gotcha Day Please help yourselves to food while I tell a little story. Don't forget cake And a niptini...
Meet Casper
This is Casper aka Prince Casper, Casp, Casperator, Casperitis, Snow Cat, Polar Cat. I don’t even know how to start to describe Casper, he is such a great guy. Technically I suppose he is a special needs cat because he is deaf, but aside from the fact...