Foreign Friday
These are my brother Duncan's cats Oscar and Lucinda, they live in Sweden where it snows a lot. However, they do not like the snow as it hampers their activities.
Would you look at that Luci... it's snowing again! |
They live in a rural area and are very outdoorsy kitties. Oscar has daily patrols to make and there are interlopers to be chased away. But when winter comes, they are not so keen to be outdoors.
See my nose... a hazard of the job!
They go out every day just to confirm they hate the cold weather. The average "out" time is probably two minutes and then they want back in again. This process repeats itself throughout the day. If it is really cold the two minute out time decreases to about two seconds and they want back inside before the door has even shut behind them!  | Silly Oscar, I'll stay inside where its warm | Since Sweden sees more than 100 days of snow in any given winter, I'm thinking it would behoove them to find a way to enjoy the white stuff! |
Funny Friday
We have such a tiny house that there is essentially no front hall. Once you come inside from the porch you spill directly into the living room. This of course makes me nuts and our next house MUST have a front hall, but I digress… Excuse...
Wednesday Waiting For Spring
Hi all, Archie here. I'm snuggled up in the fluffy bed because it is pretty cold still where I live. We are trying to be patient and wait for spring but it is getting a little hard because winter seems to be dragging on and more snow...
A Cat Welcome
Every day when I arrive home from work, the same scenario plays out. I come in through the sunroom at the back of the house because our driveway is off a lane way at the bottom of our garden. I must be careful when unlocking the door; Ben will be waiting...
Keeping Your Cat Safe In Winter
For many, winter in the UK wouldn't be complete without a seasonal frost or sprinkling of snow. However if you’re enjoying serene, white vistas from the comfort of your living room and planning how you’re going to stay on your feet when you eventually...
Top Cat Names Revealed - Infographic
We’ve conducted a survey of cat owners to discover the most popular cat names around the UK – which has produced some very interesting results as shown in our infographic below! The survey received over 18,000 responses from all over the nation....