Funny Friday
We have such a tiny house that there is essentially no front hall. Once you come inside from the porch you spill directly into the living room. This of course makes me nuts and our next house MUST have a front hall, but I digress…
Excuse me but I think I was here first |
The non-front hall is not an issue in the summer but winter in Canada is another story. Robert and I come and go out the back door where we have a sunroom/mudroom with a wardrobe for coats and a runner for dirty boots, but when guests come over they use the front and I take their coats upstairs.
I'm in heaven! |
This Christmas we bought a small mat for the front door so people could wipe their wet or snowy shoes and I figured after the winter is over we would probably just chuck it…how was I to know the cats would LOVE this silly little mat!
You can't ignore me forever Jimmy |
It's the funniest thing, they take turns on the mat, covet time on the mat and wrestle each other off the mat. What is the appeal? It is an unattractive, cheap, rubber-backed mat from the Costco and you would think it was heated cashmere the way they fuss over it.
Get lost Ben it's my turn! |
The other day I actually saw Jimmy on the mat squirming around on his back (in ecstasy?) with all fours in the air! I just don’t get it... do you?
When Did Your Love Of Cats Begin?
The other day Caren from Cat Chat wrote a post about when her love for cats started; she was fifteen. In my blog profile it says I have been an animal lover and a cat person in particular ever since I can remember. This is true but Caren’s post prompted...
Jimmy's Out And About!!!
Sound the trumpets and the fanfare, Jimmy has been sprung!!!! Last night after work I took Jimmy to have a check up with his vet and got the okay to to let him socialize with the boys. As soon as Robert got home we opened the door to...
Ben's Botheration
Last weekend one of my seven “Cat-facts” for the Versatile Blogger Award was that “Ben is a worrier.” My precious tuxy boy is a little serious sometimes and I can always tell from this sort of "pursed" look he gets on his face that he...
Swim Cat
I love this picture of Benners. Doesn’t it look like he is doing the front crawl? Let’s analyze his form shall we... His body position is very streamlined and his front paws are in perfect position. You can see his left paw is in mid “pull” and...
The New Door Horror...
Just when I think I know my cats they go and do something that throws me off. I usually like to write my blog on Friday, but we had a new front door installed yesterday and it created quite a cat stir so I decided to post early. Since my guys are indoor...