Casper speaks to Artemisia
Yesterday on her blog,
Artemesia said that she had no suitors. Casper was astonished that such a beguiling ladycat would be unattached and immediately leapt into action composing the following post for her:
"Lovely Artemesia of the black tail and beautiful spots, would that you could be interested in a lowly prince like myself when you are an Empress AND an Imperial Majesty? I am but a humble mancat...
My mum says I am gentle and I have never raised a claw or shown a tooth even when I go to the vet. I am the Goodwill Ambassador of our clan. But I am also strong and powerful and can jump to the top of the fridge and beyond, I am brave and have stood against the vacuum cleaner many times! I spend long hours at the windows patrolling for intruders and keeping our house safe for my family.
All good in the back yard |
Sometimes this entails late night caterwauling if I see a stray tabby in the garden, but it is my duty to waken the household if I sense danger!
I know I saw something out there! |
I am helpful around the house and often assist with the cooking...
Is this the right temperature? |
laundry ...
I don't know how these fell off the dryer, did you want me to fold them again? |
Helping my younger brothers...
Check under the carpet Ben, you might have left your mousie there |
I think you may have the wrong drill-bit Dad |
Mum says I am a Renaissance cat, I'm not sure what that means but it sounds good. Artemisia my world is silent but I think actions speak louder than words. Sometimes it gets lonely as the head mancat around the house, I would be honoured if a ladycat as lovely and regal as yourself would allow me to come calling?
I await your answer sweet Artemisia" :-)
True Love Tuesday
Hi Friends, Archie here. Monday was the anniversary of the day I asked lovely Miss Tiri (Neytiri) from Clooney's Num-Num Fund to be my special Ladycat. Mum already had a post scheduled for yesterday so I had to wait until today to tell all...
Valentine's Day
Well today is the big day for kitties all over the world who are in love. At our house three lucky mancats are teleporting over to spend Valentines with their lovely ladycats.... Casper and his tsarina Artemesia Ben and his sweet Clementine Archie...
It's Pawm!
It's Pawm Weekend and Casper's lady love invited him to a Pawm for cats and dogs over at Boondocks and the Love Shack Pack. Artemisia picked a beautiful tux for Casper to wear. Scylla and her beau Brian are also going along with Fenris and...
Valentines For Clementine And Artemisia
Clemmie posted this Valentine for me on her blog today....I'm the luckiest mancat ever to have such a wonderful ladycat as my Valentine!!! ~BenA gift for ArtemisiaMy beautiful ladycat Casper would like to present Artemisia with these...
Meet Casper
This is Casper aka Prince Casper, Casp, Casperator, Casperitis, Snow Cat, Polar Cat. I don’t even know how to start to describe Casper, he is such a great guy. Technically I suppose he is a special needs cat because he is deaf, but aside from the fact...