Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

There is still a little happening in the garden, even at this late stage of the summer. Despite oppressive heat, humidity, neglect AND a lack of rain, my garden is doing quite well.  I can't discount the value of old favourites like geraniums and impatients, they just continue along all summer with little fanfare but keep the garden bright and cheery between blooming cycles of the marquee flowers!  I always have several planters and decorative containers spotted around our deck filled with these hard working flowers. There is a surprise picture at the end of this post, so be sure to scroll all the way down!

I snuck this picture of Casper in because it is so cute.  He is not allowed outside at all, but last summer he got onto the back deck and took a moment to smell the flowers :-)

Casper on the deck




Basil (yum, yum)

Purple and White Balloon Flowers

Zebra Grass

Here's the surprise, these cuties live at my parent's house....

Garden Bunnies !

- Thursday In The Garden
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- Thursday In The Garden
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- Thursday In The Garden
::Three Paw Taps:: Hi All, while we were away it seem things really exploded in the garden.  We left brown grass and twig-like trees and when we returned a jungle had sprouted!!!  I thought I'd share a few pictures, but please remember that...

- Thursday In A Hawaiian Garden
::three paw taps:: Hawaii was so lush and green and filled with tropical delights and exquisite flowers, I just had to do a garden post about it. Mark Twain remembered Hawaiian flowers for decades after his visit.  In 1889 he wrote; "Other things...

- Tower Of Power
Last night we brought home a new cat tower for the boys. 5 ½ feet of already assembled cat fun was able it fit in my Mini (with a little hanging out the hatchback) if you can believe it! We put it in our sunroom which looks out onto our deck (with twinkle...

