White Wednesday (with more toes)

White Wednesday (with more toes)

Hi all, Casper here.  As the alpha cat of the family I think I have to weigh in on this toe situation.  While my brothers Archie and Benjamin have very worthy toes, I would like to also present mine for your consideration...
Notice please not only the pinkness of my pads but the fabulous tufts of fur between my toes

Here are several of my feet at once if you can stand it :-)

Please tune in tomorrow as I think our young Jimmy would like to have the last word on toes

- 3t Tuesday
Hi kids, it's Tuesday tocks, toes and tail!!! Jimmy always does the craziest stuff with his tail, remember the bun?  His tail curls like a monkey's! here his legs look a little frog-like but you must admit he has great tocks :-) and last...

- Tuesday Tummy
These pictures could have been taken last week or last year because Jimmy ALWAYS sleeps in the same position on his back, legs stretched out... toes curled!!!!  Totally kissable no?...

- Toesies Tuesday
I love cat feet.  Whether it be chubby, soft cat pads or long, delicate limbs that taper into perfect paws I am hooked.  I have been known to kiss my cat's feet...literally! Spooning SnuggleCasper's tender tootsiesBen's twinkle...

- Molly And The Toenail Caper
I have the hardest time cutting Molly’s toenails. The other cats don’t seem to mind it that much, in fact Casper is so mellow that I can hold him on my lap and clip his nails by myself. Ben and Archie are a bit squirmier and require a twosome for...

- A Clowder Of Polydactyl Cats
A guest post from Cats Protection’s Birmingham Adoption Centre A group of cats was recently abandoned at our Birmingham Adoption Centre. Two female adults were accompanied by six eight-week-old kittens, several of which were showing signs of mild cat...

