Whisker Wednesday

This edition of Whisker Wednesday has an international flavour and features a guest starring appearance by Fifi from across the pond. She is the cat of my brother and sister-in-law and is a fluffy, friendly girl who lives in
London Town. Also known as "Fifi of the Orange Toe", as I recently dubbed her, she is a terrific Tortie!
Whisker Hump Wednesday
Look at Jimmy, doesn't he have the most adorable little whisker humps? They just cry out for smooching non? ...
Wordy Wednesday Challenge
I picked the word benevolent to describe my Casper because in the truest definition of the word he is: characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings. From Casper's first day with us we knew he was a very special cat, not only for...
Homeward Bound
Look what fantastic Ann from Zoolatry made for Chrystal and me...Ash's very own Homeward Bound graphic! Isn't she wonderful :-) See my darling boy with his little kitty bags packed, what a cutie pie! Ash is almost ready...
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful that Molly was with me for many, many years. She was present for my life's major moments and saw me through good times and bad. Although I am so heart-heavy at her loss, I can't help but be happy that we were...
London Calling...
I'm across the pond with my family visiting my lovely brother and didn't expect to be doing any posting, but there is a beautiful ladycat here so I thought a guest appearance was in order. Hello Dolly! We are staying at the home...