Tuxie Tuesday and an Interloper
Hi cats and kittens, Ben here. Everyone knows that I inspect Daddy's shirts when they come back from the cleaners. I lie on the bags, give them the once over then tell Daddy they are okay to wear...
overseeing shirts |
So just before Christmas when a load of shirts came home I knew I would be busy....but then....
Jimmy, WTF!!! |
Jimmy was totally in the way, little brothers can be tiresome sometimes
Busy Ben |
I had to improvise and assess the shirts from up top by the hangers
Jimmy thwarts Ben's efforts |
Jimmy had no clue what to do and just sat there while I checked the other side
Jimmy speaks: "Ha, ha, ha, occasionally big brothers are just far too serious and you to mess with them" :-)
Happy Birthday Jimmy!!!
Hey Kids look who is THREE today!!! Our little Jimmy is resting up because there will be a celebration tonight...with nip...I hope you can join us in the fun :-) Here is Jimmy relaxing in his cat bed when we first brought him home from Chrystal's...
Weird Wednesday
I know we've talked before about Jimmy's unusual tail, how is curls and twists and he likes to wear it in a bun is more like a primate tail than a cat's tail. Well, I present you with some further photographic evidence... Here...
Wordy Wednesday
My boys have many embarrassing nicknames that are used regularly. I thought I’d highlight a couple of Jimmy’s today. When I’m calling around the house trying to locate him I’ll say “Jimmy Jimmer are you upstairs?”, or “where’s my...
Mancat Monday Message
Hi folks, it's Jimmy here the youngest of the mancats with a message for all our friends. On February 9th we will be celebrating the Gotcha Day for two of my brothers. That's right, two brothers Gotcha'd two years apart but on...
Jimmy's Out And About!!!
Sound the trumpets and the fanfare, Jimmy has been sprung!!!! Last night after work I took Jimmy to have a check up with his vet and got the okay to to let him socialize with the boys. As soon as Robert got home we opened the door to...