Talented Tuesday

Talented Tuesday

I wanted to show all of you this portrait of my boys, isn't it fantastic!?  It was painted by the lovely and talented Michico from Adan's Everyday + Lego.  I think she has captured all the boys perfectly, ....such attention to detail!

Michico sent me this picture of the completed portrait and I am so excited I can hardly wait for the painting to arrive from Taiwan!  I will make another post when it is framed and hung.  Here is the link to see the painting in progress.

Thank you so much Michico, I am delighted and honoured to have one of your beautiful paintings :-)

- Formerly Feral Friday With Kip
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- Young Cats In Love
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- Stylish Blogger Award
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- Wonderful Wednesday - Family Portrait
Look at this fabulousness!  This is a portrait from the whimsical brush of the talented Susan Faye which arrived at my house yesterday; matted and ready for framing.  I contacted Susan at the beginning of September...

- White Wednesday, Blue Gizzy
While I was away, something special arrived in the mail. I had asked Darling Millie's mum Lynne to make a Gizzy Quilt for my boys and she sewed up a dream in vibrant shades of blue. It was intended for all the boys to share but so far Casper has been...

