Posh pad for fortunate ferals
Four feral kittens found a stylish new home, thanks to a Cats Protection branch in the south-east of England.“It all started with a phone call asking if we would be able to acquire two outdoor cats or kittens for a house with a two-acre garden on the outskirts of Slough,” said Ray Janes, volunteer field worker for Maidenhead, Slough & District Branch.
The kittens are settling in to their new home |
Later that day, Ray took another call – this time from a local home owner asking the charity to rehome a feral mother and five kittens he’d been feeding in his garden. The owner agreed to keep and look after the mother cat and one kitten, leaving Ray with the challenge of how to rehome the remaining four kittens. Luckily, the lady who’d phoned earlier asking for two outdoor cats agreed to take four!
Ray fed the feral mother and her kittens. Within five days they'd been checked over by a vet, treated for minor conditions and neutered. And four of the kittens were taken to their new home which has two acres of lawn surrounded by trees and hedges, far from any road.
They will soon be released from their specially-designed holding pen into the gardens, with access to snug sleeping quarters between the hedgerows.
Feral cats are those either born wild or that have lived so long away from humans that they can no longer be found new homes as pets. An uncontrolled feral colony will grow quickly; the cats will be susceptible to disease and may also become a nuisance.
Simply removing the cats is not a long-term solution, as a new colony will soon move in. Cats Protection will usually neuter the resident feral cats and return them to their original location.If that area is inappropriate or unsafe, then the charity will aim to rehome them to another suitable place, such as a farm or stables, where they can be fed regularly and provide a useful role as mousers!
Hotel Kitten's Happy Home
Last autumn, we told you about a litter of eight kittens and their mother rescued from a hotel roof space by CP’s Fareham & Waterlooville Districts Branch. Branch volunteeers did a great job of caring for the tiny kittens and their mother, succeeding...
Branch Tends Plant Pot Kittens
A Cats Protection branch has homed four kittens found nestled in a plant pot. Our Stoke & Newcastle Branch was called out to a rented house in early September – the tenants had been feeding a stray cat then discovered her litter in their yard. ...
Yorkshire Cat Found Safe In Suffolk
A cat from Yorkshire has been reunited with her owner after being found 170 miles away in Suffolk. Ginger tabby Kitz was discovered among a group of stray and feral cats by Alison Lardner, a volunteer for Cats Protection’s Breckland branch. An elderly...
Fresh Start For Dumped Forest Felines
A cat and her three kittens abandoned in a forest have been given a second chance at life, thanks to Cats Protection. Mother cat Lucy and her three eight-day-old kittens were tied up in a bin bag and dumped in a wood. “The intention was clear; they...
New Homes For Hotel Kittens
Cats Protection has found new homes for some unwanted hotel guests – a mother cat and her eight kittens. The charity’s Fareham & Waterlooville Districts Branch in Hampshire, England, was called out to a hotel in July to catch the stray cat and...