One Lovely Blog Award

One Lovely Blog Award

Yesterday we were surprised and honoured to receive an award from fellow blogger Miss Kitty, who along with her father Egmont writes A Cat's Golden Years.  Thank you Miss Kitty!!!

Miss Kitty selected three bloggers Ninifees DosiNews, Clooney's Num Num Fund (where a grown up version of Jimmy lives) and myself.  The rules are that I must now pass along the award to three more friends whom we admire.  I would like to name Rumblebum, Huffle Mawson and The Katnip Lounge.

Rumblebum; the fantastic adventures of D'Artagnan Rumblepurr and Inigo Flufflebum is a wonderful blog about two brothers in New Zealand.  Unfortunately, young Inigo became very ill and went to the Bridge last month.  Rumbles is trying his best to carry on without his beloved brother and many bloggers like myself are so grateful for his valiant effort!

Huffle Mawson, Explorer Cat is a very well known blogging kitty from Australia.  Huffle already has lots of awards, but we will always be grateful to her and would like to give her another.  Huffle was the first kitty who reached out to us and sent all her friends (and she has a lot!) over to meet us.  I had been blogging for several months at that time with nary a comment or follower until Huffle's generosity changed all that.

The Katnip Lounge is a super fun blog about a gang of kitties from Las Vegas, Nevada.  The lounge kitties live in a specially constructed Catio which is a playground extraordinaire!  Their mum and dad have such big hearts that they recently adopted kitty number THIRTEEN (a lovely big tuxedo boy) when they found out he had been languishing at their vet for two years!

I hope the three kitties I have chosen enjoy the Lovely Blog Award and will in turn recognize three more blogging friends :-)

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