Molly Monday
Age has its perks!
Molly is the only one of my kitties who is allowed outside. She will be nineteen in a couple of months, and I know there is no danger of her hurdling the fence and escaping the garden. She just likes to amble around and sniff things but usually stays close to me and sleeps under my garden chair.
Thank You
Molly and I would like to say thank you to all who responded to my post yesterday. I was doubting my judgement and it has been enormously reassuring to hear from so many mums in the CB who shared their experiences, advice and compassion...
Seeking Senior Cat Advice
Miss MollyI would like to ask for the opinions or advice from any mums in the CB who have senior cats. My Molly will be nineteen soon. About three years ago she was diagnosed with hyperthyroid, the vet said the damage to her kidneys was significant and...
The Name Game
Last week I saw a really neat post on House of Cats called The Name Game and I thought I would play too. So, here are the explanations of how my babies got their names: Molly – I always just loved this name. I had an Aunt Molly who was very close to...
Old Molly
When the musical Cats premiered in Toronto I was probably about nineteen or so and I was desperate to see it. Can you imagine being a cat lover all your life and then there is a show just about cats who talk and dance…for adults? I wondered to myself...
Molly In The Bedroom
I’m fairly certain that Molly would have preferred to live out her twilight years in tranquil solitude. She has not forgiven me for bringing Casper into the house, and reminds me of this every time she sees him. She is just too old to accept anyone...