Mancat Monday x 4
The cats don't usually eat together, maybe just one or two at at time. We have a large communal bowl filled with their kibble and they are free to graze throughout the day. Since there is no set "feeding time" they come and go as they please and are usually there individually.
The Chow Line |
The only thing that brings them to the kitchen en masse is salmon or tuna water that we divide into four little bowls whenever we open a tin. Salmon is the one they prefer and the second the opener punctures the tin they appear out of thin air and swirl and swarm around our legs and it is the only time I ever hear any meows; encouraging us to hurry up. The excitement builds and we have to put the bowls onto the floor at exactly the same time, Robert and I both with two in our hands "1-2-3 down!"
nom, nom, nom, nom! |
Next time I will try to take a video of the action and you will be able to hear the frenzied lapping of tongues which is surprisingly loud!
Picky Mancat Monday
Does anyone remember this picture? It was taken back in April when we were attempting to find a wet food that everyone liked. The cats were very interested in the food trials and gathered in the kitchen for each taste test. After...
Thankful Thursday
Kip chows down using his new cat bowlWhen I started feeding the cats wet food I didn’t have a proper food bowl, let alone five of them, so I used my fine bone china saucers. After a little while I decided this would not do and went in search...
Friday Funk
Hi cats and kittens, we are in a bit of a funk here today because our Drinkwell fountain broke, the motor won't pump the water through anymore. It was working fine but after the last cleaning it stopped. We're not talking about the...
Behaviour Focus: Drinking Water
In the first of our new weekly behaviour focus posts, Cats Protection Behaviour Manager Nicky Trevorrow explains what to do if your cat isn't drinking from their water bowl. Why do my cats drink out of the toilet/pond/other inappropriate place rather...
‘why Do My Cats Attack Each Other?’ And Other Behaviour Faqs
It’s that time again: our Behaviour Manager, Nicky Trevorrow took to Facebook to answer your cat behaviour queries. The questions below are just a few that she answered in our most recent Q&A: Question: I have three cats: one mother and two daughters....