Mancat Monday
So here are my lazy mancats on the bed that they never leave these days. I can't make the bed because I don't want to disturb them.
snoozing mancats...the coast is clear |
I did some shopping for Paw it Forward yesterday so I figured with the boys sleeping it would be perfect time to do a little organizing.
Don't look too closely if you are playing! |
After I began laying things out on the dining room table I heard a thump from upstairs and young Master Archie made an appearance. He looked so pathetic sniffing the empty shopping bag that I had to give him a little something...I had a spare mouse :-)
sad Archie needs something this second to play with |
A few moments later another thud from upstairs and Sir Benjamin appears "but mum we don't have any toys to play with" he said with an equally pathetic look on his face.
sadder Ben has such a hard toyless life |
After he came downstairs and joined me on the dining room table I had to quickly pack up my work and stash it all in the closet for safe keeping.
Hide the loot |
Oh well, I guess there is always tomorrow. At least I now know what I have still to buy, so something was accomplished after all!
Ben lied |
and by the way, just in case you were inclined to believe Ben's nonsense, here is just
one of the toy baskets we have around the house!
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Dastardly Dehumidifier
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