Hillbillies, Royalty and Businessmen
When I look at my mancats, I am amazed how distinct their personalities are. Yes they all eat, sleep, bathe and do the normal cat things, but they do them so differently!
The boys...different but pals |
Archie is a bit of a bumpkin. This is unintentional of course because he is still just a youngster and the world is one huge bumbling adventure. He possesses no “cat cool”, his affection is fervent and obvious much to the chagrin of the others I’m sure. While Casper and Ben saunter with nonchalance, Archie runs impetuously into the middle of any situation on stiff legs with his head and tocks high in the air.
Of the boys, Ben is the typical middle child, intense, serious and a little brooding. If he were human he’d have to be a Bay Street executive because as a tuxy he is too well-dressed for a beatnik poet.
Casper is noble to the core in looks and demeanor. He is patient, cool and regal, a million miles away from brother Archie. However different though, the boys live in harmony regardless of their varying backgrounds…which we could all take a lesson from!
Then just when I think I have a created this perfect little Shangri-La, I have to consider Molly who is diva, queen, and supreme being all rolled into one. Even her advanced age does not soften her heart and she turns her nose up at her brethren on the other side of her door considering them ridiculous peons who are NOT to be associated with!
High Priestess Molly |
Friday Friends
Hi kitties, we received a cool award from our good friends Niko and Goro. If you do not know them please drop by and visit their delightful blog. They are two beautiful Russian Blue boys who live in Georgia with their mum and dad. This award means...
A Tuxie Secret
Shall I tell you a secret about Ben…whisper it quietly in your ear? He is a VERY sensitive boy and he has a very precious spot in my heart because of that. Ben is emotional and at times his little face is so expressive it makes my heart...
Boys In The Bedroom
The boy’s lives changed dramatically after Molly died. Because she was very old and frail and sometimes ornery, she lived in our master bedroom exclusively. She did not like the boys and did not want to fraternize with them one bit. On the other...
The New Door Horror...
Just when I think I know my cats they go and do something that throws me off. I usually like to write my blog on Friday, but we had a new front door installed yesterday and it created quite a cat stir so I decided to post early. Since my guys are indoor...
Molly In The Bedroom
I’m fairly certain that Molly would have preferred to live out her twilight years in tranquil solitude. She has not forgiven me for bringing Casper into the house, and reminds me of this every time she sees him. She is just too old to accept anyone...