Funny Friday
I have mentioned before Ben's love of scrunch balls; he can amuse himself with one of these colourful, crinkly treasures for ages! Casper is not interested in them at all and Archie usually just wonders what Ben is up to and will sometimes join him in batting one around but he gets bored with them very quickly and moves on to some other form of entertainment. Ben however has been devoted to scrunch balls since he was a wee kitten. I thought it would be funny to show you the progression of scrunch balls once Ben gets his paws on them.
brand new scrunch |
Scrunch after vigorous play |
end stage scrunch |
It is funny to note Ben's reaction to me photographing his scrunch balls. As I was arranging them on the dining room table he looked quite agitated.
Ben looking worried |
He jumped up to investigate what I was doing
Ben checks to make sure scrunch balls are ok |
Then he made off with the new scrunch in pristine condition
"come to papa" |
Have a great weekend everyone!
Cat Talk Time
Hi kitties, we are participating in Cat Talk time, a fun event dreamed up by the gang at Zoolatry. We have been trying hard to come up with some jargon that is specific to our house and we have managed three words. 1. Mama Blanket - this is our...
Thursday Thrills
Earlier this week, our friends at the Katnip Lounge all played a new game. It was the brainchild of their mumkat Trish who took an ordinary toy and made a brilliant modification. We've all seen this box with holes that usually has crinkle...
London Calling...
I'm across the pond with my family visiting my lovely brother and didn't expect to be doing any posting, but there is a beautiful ladycat here so I thought a guest appearance was in order. Hello Dolly! We are staying at the home...
Circus Cat?
The other day before Robert and I left for work, we were just finishing up our lattes in the kitchen when we heard a strange noise in the sunroom; a sort of claws-against-wood scrabbling sound. I glanced at Robert and said “what are they up to now”?...
Feeding Enrichment Puzzles For Your Cat
Like their ancestors, the African Wildcat, domestic cats are programmed to hunt. Each part of the hunting activity – the stalk, pounce, play and kill – releases feel-good hormones called endorphins. Cats need to have frequent successful ‘kills’...