Funny Friday
Sometimes I just get the urge to do something different with my hair...
french twist? |
or chignon? |
Mum's note: Is this not the funniest picture? I've never had a cat in my life who did the things with his tail that Jimmy does...he's like a monkey sometimes!!!
An Anniversary
Well kids, today is the one year anniversary of Kip coming to live with us. As most of you know our friend Chrystal rescued him when he was a little wild thing along with his brothers Charms, Elfin and Monkey. Here he is peeking out from behind...
3t Tuesday
Hi kids, it's Tuesday tocks, toes and tail!!! Jimmy always does the craziest stuff with his tail, remember the bun? His tail curls like a monkey's! here his legs look a little frog-like but you must admit he has great tocks :-) and last...
Thoughtful Thursday
This picture was taken in March 2009, we had only adopted Ben the month before. Casper was (and is) the most wonderful and gentle big brother, this is one of my all-time favourite pictures of them together. Do you think Casper is telling baby Ben...
Zoom Groom Love!!!
Hi kitties, we got a zoom groom last weekend and the cats are crazy for it! I love it when Mum zooms my fluffy tail!Now I should mention that Casper has always loved to be brushed and Furminator-ed, Ben was less enthusiastic but tolerated it...
Stylish Blogger Award
Our new friends from Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats kindly gave us the Stylish Blogger Award and we thank them very much. If you don't know the Cottage Cats you must go and have a visit, their blog is exquisite and is like entering a magic...