Feline behaviour explained – cat body language
In the first of a three-part series of visual guides about cat behaviour, we’re examining common cat body language and postures.
Learning to understand your cat by reading their body language is a fascinating part of owning a cat and it can improve the relationship between you. Cats can be very subtle in their body language and can be difficult to ‘read’ as they have not evolved the many visual communication signals that are seen in social species, like dogs. Spend time watching your cat – see how they move and interacts with their environment, their facial expressions, body postures and vocalisations in different situations – and you can start to build a picture of how your cat is feeling. Here are a few common body postures to give you clues about your cat’s mood:

Should you have any concerns about your cat’s health or behaviour, consult your vet.
Please do print this visual guide for a handy reference or share it with friends who may find it useful!
To find out more about feline behaviour, read our Essential Guide leaflet: Understanding your cat’s behaviour or access our free online e-learning course: Understanding Feline Origins.Share this image on your site
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