Cat memes: Top 10 things cat owners can identify with
Everyone loves a cat meme - so let's use them to take a look at the benefits of owning a cat!
1. Who needs an alarm clock when you have a 5am wakeup call every day?
Original photo courtesy of hkase via |
2. You’re often greeted by unexpected ‘presents’ when you get home
Original photo courtesy of riebart via |
3. On a cold day you’ve always got a furry hot water bottle to snuggle up to
Original photo courtesy of jmettraux via |
4. Dinner time (or any meal time for that matter) is a bit of a battle
Original photo courtesy of kluepfel via |
5. Well, a lot of a battle if we’re being honest
Original photo courtesy of htakashi via |
6. You’ll often find a furry ball hidden in your bed sheets
Original photo courtesy of johnharo via |
7. Need the loo? They’ll follow you. And watch
Original photo courtesy of teagrrl via |
8. Cats can sleep anywhere, and we mean anywhere
Original photo courtesy of 55431287@N03 via |
9. Trying to do some work, study or read a book? You’ve got a little helper for that
Original photo courtesy of geebee2007 via |
10. You’ve got unconditional love for life
Original photo courtesy of sheila_sund via |
Behaviour Focus: Scratching
In our second behaviour focus post, Cats Protection Behaviour Manager Nicky Trevorrow explains how to discourage your cats from scratching areas of the home. How can I stop my cat scratching the wallpaper or furniture? They have a scratching post! Many...
Introducing A New Cat To Your Dog
Contrary to belief, cats and dogs can get along if introduced appropriately. A gradual introduction can make all the difference and it can be easier if the cat had positive experiences with dogs when it was young and vice versa. After bringing your new...
‘how Can I Stop My Kitten Biting?’ And Other Kitten Faqs
Last week vet Vanessa Howie hosted another live Q&A with our Facebook supporters. Vanessa took questions on kitten care – here are just some of them: Question: My kitten keeps sucking my ears and face. Why is he doing that? Answer: Kittens may do...
Top Tips For A Cat-friendly Christmas
Christmas is on its way which for us means fun times aplenty. But for our pets, the arrival of trees, fancy food, toys and guests can have an impact. Photo courtesy of Clay Shonkwile via flickr.comHere is a checklist to ensure your cat’s festive season...
‘how Do I Eradicate My Cat’s Ear Mites?’ And Other Veterinary Faqs
This week saw the third instalment of our recent live Q&A sessions on our Facebook page, as Cats Protection vet Vanessa Howie gave veterinary advice and feline healthcare tips. Here are a few questions Vanessa was asked: Question: I have recently...