Caring Ben's Tuxie Tuesday

Caring Ben's Tuxie Tuesday

Yesterday I lost a letter, or should I say I realized that I had lost a letter when I went to lay my hand on it and it wasn't where it should have my jewel box.  This letter is extremely precious to me.

So I spent the next three hours tearing apart the bedroom looking in every single dresser drawer and storage spot that I have for bills, cards, stationary etc, examining every piece of paper, envelope, file, box, beside table, nook and cranny.  When I finally sat down on the bed to text Robert (between sobs) about my discovery, or lack thereof, I saw Ben's worried little face looking at me. 

I think he was watching me the whole time!

- Ben's Botheration
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- Ode To Dad
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- Molly In The Bedroom
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- Why You Shouldn’t Overlook Shy Cats
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- Parting With A Much-loved Pet
This letter was written by a little girl whose cat Bella had to be given up at our Bridgend Adoption Centre because it just didn’t settle with the other cat in the home. It’s very touching and highlights the sadness many people experience if they...

