Whisker Watch

Whisker Watch

Young master Archie does not like to have his picture taken.  He would not cooperate and look directly into the camera when I was trying to document a change in his whiskers....it's like he didn't even realize the gravity of the situation! 

The first picture is of Archie is when we first got him and he was a youngster.  There are no freckles on his little nose (looks sort of heart shaped doesn't it) or at least very faint ones and all his whiskers are white.

I had to take these next two pictures of him in a groggy state hanging his head over the edge of the cat tree when he had just woken up yesterday.  If you look closely you will see two brown whiskers on each cheek and definite freckles on his nose and one prominent brown freckle in the centre of his nose.

can you see my brown whiskers?

can you see my freckles?
I wonder if any other cat households have the kind of fascinating conversations that we do...
me: "hey did you see that Archie has grown a couple of brown whiskers?"
Robert: "I know they're wild!"

***Note:  Just now when I was biggifying the second picture I think I saw a brown eyebrow whisker too...gadzooks, the excitement around here just doesn't end!!!

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