Update on Jimmy with Pictures!

Update on Jimmy with Pictures!

I spoke with the vet who is treating Jimmy on Friday and got the all clear regarding the ringworm culture...it was negative after three weeks...Yippee!!!  So we were able to take off his cone that night.  We washed his head and ears to remove any remnant of the cream, then he was free :-)
Nom, nom, nom, I'm getting big and strong
However...he still has a tapeworm that was not killed by the Revolution that we treated him with two weeks ago, or the Program that Chrystal's vet treated him with back in October; it needs specialized meds.  It lurks in the body and does not show up on any fecal exams (I had one done when he arrived), only when it is mature does it start to shed segments.  This is pretty much how it is diagnosed, by visual identification when the segments come out - yick.  So he started a new medication for the tapeworm.  We are keeping him in his bedroom for another week (maybe two) to hopefully get the worms under control and prevent transmission to the other cats and also make sure there is no recurrence of the weird skin infection; but on the bright side, no cone!
no cone :-)
He was so good when we were washing his head.  He had a little freak-out initially when we took him from his cozy bedroom into the bathroom, but he quickly settled.  We trimmed his nails, gave him his worm pill and washed his head and ears.  When we were drying his head with the towel, he snuggled into my lap and was purring so loudly.  Back in his room, sans cone, he ran and leaped and threw himself on the bed, all fours in the air wriggling with delight, it was so much fun to watch!
Ben is on the other side mewing to Jimmy
He is still purring and patiently waiting until he can leave his bedroom.  I'm sure he is lonely, but there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel now.  He continues to be a happy boy and has taken everything that has been thrown at him with such a good nature
We rigged this because I was afraid the cone was interfering with getting to his water dish.  Jimmy still likes to use it.

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