Tuxie Tuesday

Tuxie Tuesday

I took these pictures of Ben the other day and I think they are hilarious.  They look like some cheesy Sears Portrait Studio baby pictures.  Hope you get a giggle out of them but be sure to tell Ben we are laughing WITH him, not at him :-)

- The Way We Were
It's The Way We Were Day...no not the film, although while I'm on the subject did anyone else think that Robert Redford was so absolutely beautiful in that movie!?!?  Oops, I digress... But seriously folks, it's KITTY The Way We Were...

- Wednesday With Ben
Um helloooo, is it just me or did anyone else notice that Casper hijacked my post yesterday with his pimple update.  May I remind you its called Tuxie Tuesday and not Dermatology Day...sheesh! So here are some pictures that I planed to post yesterday...

- Tock'tober
Happy Birthday Derby.... Ben's folded tuxie tocks Archie's ginger tocks Casper's floofy tocks Please note:  in ALL my kitty pictures I did not find one tocks shot of Jimmy!  I'll try to take one today and post it later :-)...

- Tuxie Tuesday
Hi folks, my Mum says that I am "Total Tuxie Goodness", so here are a few pictures of my tuxieness for your viewing pleasure :-) tuxie tummytuxie-tudetuxie tonguetuxie toes...

- Wonderful Wednesday - Family Portrait
Look at this fabulousness!  This is a portrait from the whimsical brush of the talented Susan Faye which arrived at my house yesterday; matted and ready for framing.  I contacted Susan at the beginning of September...

